
  • Length
  • Type
  • Anaesthesia
  • Hospital Stay
  • Days Required in Istanbul
  • Total Recovery
  • All-Inclusive Cost

Modern researches in orthodontics have made braces a less noticeable and thus more desirable alternative for improving the aesthetics. Braces help create straighter teeth, a proper bite, and a great smile.

Anyone who is unsatisfied with their existing teeth should consider wearing braces, more than ever before, adults are using braces. While braces can straighten teeth for people of any age, braces are ideal for children between the ages of 9 and 16. It is during these years that the teeth and jaw line are undergoing most of their growth and, therefore, are more easily aligned.

Some can prefer metal or plastic brackets. While metal brackets are more traditional, clear or neutral colored plastic brackets are now very popular because they are much less noticeable. The newest types of braces is lingual braces. Here, the brackets are attached to the backs of the teeth, making them much less detectable. The idea behind all of these brackets to use bands to realign teeths position.

In most cases, braces remain on the teeth for 12 to 30 months. The amount of time depends on the severity of the orthodontic problem and the patient's age.The most important way to maximize the effects of braces is to be cooperative in the process. Follow the general instructions of your orthodontist for proper cleaning and maintenance of your braces. This insures that the braces have the greatest effect on the your teeth and are on for the shortest possible time.